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The Deer Dance

The deer is considered by the native people of Northwest Mexico as a holy creature. It masters and balances wildlife in the Mexican desert, one of the most biodiverse desert regions in the world. The dance ritual practiced by Yaquis and Yoreme-Mayos integrates this worldview into Catholic celebrations such as Christmas or Easter. The religious syncretism is indivisible and shapes the contemporary indigenous identity, which arises through dance and music at the Ceremonial Centers of Sonora and Sinaloa.


With a background in Contemporary Dance, Michelle Felix' exploration is guided by the narrative function of traditional instruments and the perception of the body as an archive and medium for transmitting indigenous memory. This work has been carried out since 2015 through documentation and practice within the Mayo-Yoreme Ceremonial Centers located along the Fuerte River in Sinaloa.

Eastern in Tehueco 2023

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